The Power of Initiation

Last Friday I sang on stage for the first time since I was 16 years old — I’m 52 now, so you do the math 🙂 The experience was exhilarating. I felt completely aligned in every way with who I am and my true purpose on the planet. Partly that was because I wasn’t just performing, I was helping to create a sacred space for everyone present to receive a spiritual upgrade — an initiation, really.

What is an initiation? In the shamanic tradition, it is a powerful experience that changes you forever, usually bringing clarity, removal of obstacles, and sometimes, enlightenment.

As a scientist in my youth, I found it really hard to believe that abrupt life transformation was really possible through a single spiritual experience. Growing up Christian, I’d read the entire bible, which included many stories of people being healed just by a touch or a word or hearing a holy person speak.

But I still didn’t believe it.

Later when I became a shaman, I discovered many Native American and European stories of similar transformations, mediated by the gods.

Now I no longer doubt that they’re true.

10 years ago, my life fell apart. I lost my husband, my home, and custody of my 5-yr-old son. But miraculously, I was transformed by initiation. I received a job, a new man, and unlimited visitation with my child.

5 years ago, it happened again. My business and romantic partner and I parted ways, which led to the end of my business and a series of difficult relationships. I was really stuck in a place of suffering and pain. I received traveled to Peru and received powerful initiation rites in that tradition. And again, things got better.

This year, 5 years later, I received initiation again, only this time directly from the land and from Spirit. This time, rather than falling apart, my life has been exploding like a supernova, getting better and better with a love I truly cherish, a beautiful living space, and more and more opportunities to offer my gift to the world (like the Prayerformance last Friday).

I believe it’s all because of the power of initiation.
10 years ago I signed up for a class with a shaman that ended with an initiation. I can still remember that each time I left the house to go to class, my problems were left behind and I felt exhilarated, passionate, and FREE. At the end of the course, when my teacher put her hands on my head, I felt something pour into my soul. And after that I was no longer the same person.

It was scary, because it meant leaving the life I’d built so carefully to keep myself safe. But it was ok because it didn’t happen all at once, and there was so much joy and support along the way. The truth was I was stuck in this life where I was a corporate drone editing other people’s scientific documents all day long. I was miserable.

I wanted a life where I could express my creativity and help people heal. And now I have that.

The Six Gateways path emerged 10 years ago, after 20 years of spiritual study. I wanted to create a simple system for myself and my clients to unify the important spiritual practices I’d learned. Since that time the gateways have grown into a way of life for me.

In my new Six Gateways Shamanic Initiation class, I want to give you that leg-up that I received from my teachers. I want to pay it forward.

I’m going to take a group of 6-8 people through a 3 month journey. We’ll visit different sacred sites in San Diego (starting in Rancho Bernardo) and receive shamanic downloads that help clear away the junk that gets in the way of being our best, brightest, and most powerful selves. Class begins on August 1, and will meet twice a month on Saturdays, at different outdoor locations in San Diego County. We’ll meet in early morning to avoid the summer heat. Please join us if you are ready to take the next step in your life evolution. To find out more, contact me at or 760-522-2554. Space is limited, so register now if you are called to join us.  Click here for registration, dates, and details.


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