Money Stress Sucks

My 18-year-old son is making me write this blog.

You know, people like to disrespect millennials, but the truth is, that they see the world with such different eyes. I appreciate the wisdom they carry and the completely different point of view.

I’ve been really stressed about money lately, in the wake of a recent move, life changes, and a health scare that drained most of the cash reserves I had built up. My son says that I should blog about how I’m handling the stress and anxiety using the tools I wrote about in my book, Shamanic Stress Relief. Not only that, he’s reminding me to use the tools in my own book.

And he’s right.

So here’s how I’m using the Six Gateways to feel better


I’m doing mindfulness practice every morning for 20 minutes, If I need it more than that, then I stop for mini-mindfulness breaks, reminded by a very annoying timer on my phone that goes off every 2 hours. At a minimum, I stop and take six deep breaths, and feel my connection to Spirit, I say a prayer for God and Goddess to keep guiding me to the next right action when I feel lost or confused. Sometimes these actions suck — like returning the $80 boots I bought on sale at Nordies Rack because I need that money for other things…like food. Other times the guidance is glorious – like telling me to sit out in the sun for 5 minutes or call a friend for a chat to feel better.

When money gets tight, it deeply affects my mood and I find myself wanting to punish myself—even when the situation isn’t because I did anything wrong. So I have to give myself love. There are lots of ways that I do this, including hot baths, time to play music, and even a loving kindness meditation where I tell myself:
“May I be happy, May I be safe, May I be healthy, May I be at peace.”

I’m staying centered in who I am and what I want and my goals for the future. I’m not panicking and getting a second job that I hate, or giving up on eating organic food or burning myself out working too much overtime. I know that if I stay with the real me and focus on how I can be of service, doors will open and money will flow.


I remind myself that I’m expressing my true self and living my dream. For the last three years I’ve been working at home as a therapist on the phone — my dream job. Now I’m moving towards full licensure, which I never thought I’d be able to do. And two months ago I moved to a beautiful little mountain town where I’ve dreamed of living for 10 years.


I make sure that I get enough rest to balance all the activity, thinking, struggling, and change in my life. I remind myself that big changes like moving are very very stressful. Play and fun are not optional when I am stressed – they are what help me survive. When the stress Is financial, then I find ways to play that are free – like playing music, making art, gathering my friends for a potluck, reading a good book from the library, working in my garden, or going for a hike. There are unlimited opportunities out there and I am free to choose my attitude and my actions.


I surrender to what Spirit wants for me. It’s important that I don’t try to push my own agenda. Instead I thank Spirit for the obstacles of money being tight, because this challenges me to think outside the box and attract money from new sources that are wonderfully fulfilling for me—like writing this blog to let more people know about my book and how it can help them.

Shamanic Stress Relief: Six Gateways to a Happier Life  is a practical book, created to help you keep stress and anxiety from destroying your physical health and peace of mind. The Six Gateways are not a religion, nor a set of airy-fairy practices—they are practical tools for navigating life’s challenges.


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