Dreams, Initiations, and Power Songs

Green-Eyed One,TomHiddleston
Among the Oaks
Laughing Songs
Singing Jokes
Far beyond the Oak’s
Great majesty
He dances life
He waits for me

No, I didn’t write this song about Tom Hiddleston, but in searching for an image of what I dreamed and where this song came from, this photo comes closest to conveying the feeling I had when  the song arrived, fully formed, in my head.

It all happened the year that I turned 30. It was a big one for me. I got divorced, changed careers, let go of my house, and relocated from North San Diego County into the heart of the city.

While all this life change transpired,  I started dreaming about a man with glowing green eyes and long black hair. In my dreams he wanted me to dance, to play my violin, to be my fullest self. He followed me around with the violin saying, “here, take it, it’s yours”.

In my dreams I lusted after him in the worst way. I wanted him to be a real flesh-and-blood man. I didn’t want the violin, I just wanted Him. As time went by it became clear that he was my guide and teacher.

Fast forward a few years, and one morning I woke with a fully formed song, courtesy of my guide, in my head — the lyrics you see up above. This kind of instantaneous song creation had never happened to me before, but I’d read about it. I had received my shaman’s power song.

So I wrote it down, sang it, breathed life into it. And it became the way that I connected quickly to the land or to just create sacred space quickly in any situation. It made me stronger whenever I sang it, gave me hope, helped me let go of my worries, reminded me I wasn’t alone. Every time I sang or played it, I felt my invisible guides and teachers gather around me. It became a prayer, an invocation, and an ongoing initiation all rolled into one.

Now roll forward another 20 years, into 2015. A few months ago I was brainstorming about a show that Zoe Sol and I wanted to create. As she shared a new song she’d just written, I instantly knew that somehow my power song was connected to it. Like me, she’d woken up with her own song fully formed. We decided to perform both songs on stage. Together they created a magical initiation, not only for both of us, but for the audience.


Sometimes an initiation can take this long to come into being. These types of downloads are becoming more frequent since I’ve begun working daily with the Six Gateways, and they are creating MAGIC in my life. I’m led to the right people, the right places, and the right ideas at the right time. I want that for you too. I want to share what I know.

To pass on this way of opening to what Spirit wants for you, I’ve created a new Six Gateways Shamanic Initiations Class. Starting on August 1st, I’ll be leading a group of 6-8 people through a series of initiations around San Diego County. We’ll explore local sacred sites and “power up” our lives with this incredibly juicy energy that comes from connecting to the land and opening up to divine guidance.

We’ll meet twice a month on Saturday mornings (to beat the summer heat), at different outdoor locations in San Diego County. I hope you’ll join me.


Here’s a short video of one of the locations where we’ll meet:


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